Winter Trees Watercolour Workshop with CJ Shelton
- Sat Feb 23, 1 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Studio 206
Enjoy an afternoon of painting, sipping tea and enjoying the calm, relaxing ambience of CJ Shelton's beautiful Nature-filled studio.
For those who want to discover more about the medium of watercolour, this workshop” will be an exploration of some of the basics like flat washes, wet-on-wet and glazing but with a focus on a special technique known as “negative painting". A grove of trees in late winter are perfect for learning how to layer multiple transparent washes and slowly build an image by painting around the subject matter (the trees) and working on the background areas first.
New students are welcome, even newbies who have never tried watercolour before! If you have taken sessions with CJ this one will build on your previous drawing or painting skills and add additional ones to your repertoire. Please bring any watercolour brushes or paints you currently have although supplies will be available for those who don’t have them. Paper and stretching boards will be supplied.
Pre-registration is required.
COST: $90 + HST per person
TO REGISTER: Contact CJ Shelton at 519-942-2018 or email