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Samhain "Witches Ladder" Workshop with CJ Shelton

  • Sat Oct 29, 10 a.m. - noon
  • Sat Oct 29, 1 p.m. - 3 p.m.

The Celtic festival of “Samhain” (pronounced ‘sow-wen’) is the origins of our Halloween. This was an important time for our ancient ancestors as it marked the beginning of the Dark Half of the Year or winter. Traditionally celebrated around the first of November, this was the time when the ‘veils between the worlds’ were thin, meaning spirits, ghosts and goblins could pass easily from the world beyond into ours. It was also a time for remembering and honouring the ancestors or appeasing restless souls.

Join artist CJ Shelton to learn more about where our Halloween customs came from as you weave your own personal ‘Witches Ladder’ from wool, ribbon and found objects. Set your intentions for the winter ahead or weave thoughts and prayers symbolically into your creation. Your ‘ladder’ can be hung indoors or outdoors to send its message to the spirit world or protect your home.

DATE:  Saturday, October 29, 2016
TIME: MORNING SESSION from 10 am to 12 Noon / AFTERNOON SESSION from 1 to 3 pm
LOCATION:  Studio 206, The Alton Mill Arts Centre
COST:  $50 per person (includes all materials)

PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED email or call 519-942-2018